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Hi everyone!
I am wondering if anyone has current protocols in place in their institution to ensure important education topics are covered for patients discharging home from the hospital that are new to enteral/parenteral nutrition? I am working with care coordination and nursing to improve our current process and would love feedback on what other hospitals are doing.
How do you empower and incentivize your RDs to do more than the baseline? To be more than complacent with the minimal amount of work? I find myself frequently in a team of women who lack the passion to take nutrition for their patient's to the next level, or only intermittently apply the time to do so.
are there other RD services being cut out of telehealth? We are still being told we and our clients are not a priority :( any others experiencing this too? and or how did you get buy in if you are using telehealth ? any advise?
We currently dont have anything that formally evaluate post-extubation dysphagia. Im just wondering if most do.
Good morning! I am a first time attendee to the ASPEN conference. I'm looking to connect/learn more about IEM, specifically inherited disorders of amino acid metabolism. If anyone has any wisdom or resources they would like to share, I'm all ears!
Our facility initiates PN on all preterm infants <31 weeks GA or <1500 g birth wt initially via UVC and then changes to PICC if PN is still needed. Our NNPs have noticed several infants 31-34 weeks GA (who are started on D10W via PIV and weaned as enteral feeds advance) are going through multiple PIVs and end up needing PICC lines. Any guidance on best practices in this population?
How do you get CE credit for the Medicus CE/CME symposium Monday evening?
I completed the session but when go to the evaluation tab, the system was down so I kept trying and by the time it came on, the evaluation tab was gone therefore I am not able to claim my CE because I didn't complete my evaluation of the session.
Hi everyone,
I would like to discuss with you one case and I need the expert opinion plz. I have one child on chronic TPN due to GI malabsorption. I ordered vitamins and trace element levels as routine checkup and all comes normal except vitamin K was elevated about 4 times upper limit. do you think it is lab error or I need to adjust multivitamin dose in TPN? thanks in advance
ASPEN in coordination with the ASPEN Oncology Section, is partnering with The Society on Sarcopenia, Cachexia and Wasting Disorders (SCWD) in research funded by Pfizer Global Medical Grants. The international survey, "GENESIS-CC” (Global Education Needs Evaluation: A Systematic Interprofessional Study in Cancer Cachexia) was created to assess professional practice gaps of health care clinicians and healthcare teams in identifying and treating cancer cachexia in adult cancer patients.
I encourage you to take a few moments to participate in this important endeavor to characterize current practices with identification and treatment of a complicated condition with potentially serious nutrition implications in adult cancer patients.
Thanks! And have a great ASPEN21!
The survey is available at:
Twitter: #GenesisCC