
Lisa Moccia RD, LD, CNSC, CCTD

Advance Practice I Clinical Dietitian, Center for Gut Rehabilitation and Transplantation, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH

My name is Lisa Moccia. I have been a registered dietitian for 20 years and have specialized in intestinal failure throughout the latter half of my career. My focus began when I joined the Cleveland Clinic Nutrition Support Team in 2008 and learned from the expertise of our NST staff physicians and other team members. To further enhance my clinical practice with this special population, I transitioned to the Home Nutrition Support team in 2010, and then to the Center for Gut Rehabilitation and Transplantation in 2011, where I am currently working in collaboration with the medical and surgical teams. I obtained my certification as Certified Clinical Transplant Dietitian in 2020. In addition, I was invited to participate in a multidisciplinary International Short Bowel Syndrome Working Group of experts on intestinal failure with purpose to identify gaps and determine SBS management strategies.
