
Ben Davis

Executive Director, Global Enteral Device Suppliers Association (GEDSA), Woodstock, GA

Ben is the Executive Director of the Global Enteral Device Supplier Association (GEDSA), a non-profit trade association dedicated to the advancement of patient safety. His involvement with GEDSA spans over 11 years, where he has served on multiple committees and was previously Chairman of the organization’s Board of Directors. Prior to becoming GEDSA’s Executive Director, Ben was the Vice President of Engineering and Product Development at NeoMed, where he led the development of their ENFit product portfolio. Ben is a subject matter expert on enteral & oral syringes, medication administration dosing accuracy, nasogastric feeding tubes, enteral connectors, and pharmacy accessories. He has used this knowledge to serve as a delegate for the Swedish Standards Institute (SIS), where he participated in international medical device standards development, and he currently serves as a liaison to ISO TC210 JWG4. Ben is an inventor on 69 patents, in jurisdictions around the world, including lead inventor of the ENFit® Low Dose Tip Syringe technology. Ben has a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology.



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