
Glenda Courtney-Martin PhD, RD

Clinical Dietitian, Department of Clinical Dietetics, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON, Canada

Glenda Courtney-Martin is a Health Clinician Scientist and Senior Associate Scientist in the Research Institute,Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids), Toronto, and Assistant Professor Department of Nutritional Sciences, Universityof Toronto. She obtained a B.A.Sc. from Ryerson University and MSc. and PhD from the University of Toronto. Amember of the College of Dietitians of Ontario, having completed her Dietetic Internship at St. Michael’s Hospital inToronto. She is part of the multidisciplinary intestinal rehabilitation team who manages the care of patients withintestinal failure at SickKids. She serves on the Best Practice and Long-Term Parenteral Nutrition MonitoringCommittees at SickKids to develop and implement guidelines to optimize Nutrition Support of patients on TPN. Herpractice-based research focuses on body composition and metabolic bone disease in patient with intestinal failure.
