
Lisa Musillo MS, RDN, CDN, CNSC

Chief Dietitian, Critical Care, NuHealth @ Nassau University Medical Center, Hempstead, NY

I am the Chief Clinical and Critical Care Dietitian in the Nutrition Department. My clinical responsibilities include nutrition assessment and support in the surgical/trauma ICU, medical and pediatric ICUs. I provide critical care nutrition lectures to residents and faculty, including those in surgery, medicine, and nursing. I am the coordinator for bedside trans-pyloric feeding tube placements and have developed guidelines for the care and use of these tubes. I have contributed to the implementation of electronic parenteral nutrition order writing, including education of clinical staff on the ordering process, have developed standards of care for enteral / parenteral nutrition, authored Adult Parenteral Nutrition Guidelines and co-authored for the pediatric population. I have contributed to multiple research projects in and outside the hospital. I am responsible for placing post-pyloric feeding tubes and performing indirect calorimetry measures. I have been an adjunct professor for master’s degree level courses at 2 Universities, have been an invited speaker for numerous nutrition-related conferences and have published a chapter in a 2009 book from the American College of Physicians. I am a member of ASPEN and have been an active board member in the local chapter since 1998 (president in 2004-2005, president 2012-2014, president 2019-2021).

