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07:00am - 04:00pm EDT - March 23, 2019 | Room: Room 101
Track: Preconference Session
Credits Available:
8.00 Dietitian | 8.00 Nurse | 8.00 Pharmacist | 8.00 Physician | 8.00 Other

ASPEN’s Nutrition Support Fundamentals Course (NSFC) provides a comprehensive overview of nutrition support therapy. In addition to providing a thorough review of core nutrition support topics such as nutrition assessment and nutrient deficiencies, parenteral nutrition, enteral nutrition, fluids and electrolytes, and pediatrics, the NSFC will also include specialty areas of nutrition support such as home care, critical care, gastrointestinal disorders, ethics, and statistics. The course can be used as a tool for helping you identify personal knowledge gaps to further identify future areas of learning. Whether you are preparing for a certification examination or seeking additional professional growth in nutrition support, recognizing these knowledge gaps allows you to use your professional development time and energy more effectively. Don’t miss this invaluable nutrition support-focused course!

Learning Objectives:

  • Assess personal knowledge of nutrition support and identify areas requiring further study for the NSFC examination or other professional growth
  • Review core nutrition support topics including nutrient deficiencies, pediatric nutrition support, parenteral and enteral nutrition, and fluids and electrolytes

Moderator:  Antoinette Neal, RN, CRNI, CNSC, VA-BC

07:00am - 11:00am EDT - March 23, 2019 | Room: Room 105
Track: Preconference Session
Credits Available:
4.00 Dietitian | 4.00 Nurse | 4.00 Pharmacist | 4.00 Physician | 4.00 Other

Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) is a program consisting of multimodal interventions in the perioperative period. ERAS programs have resulted in improvements in clinical outcomes and costs. Nutrition is one of several components of an ERAS program and this post graduate course will allow you to take a deeper dive into these nutritional components. Join us for an exploration into the fundamentals of ERAS, screening and improved outcomes, protein supplementation, and nutrition approaches for pain management for enhanced recovery.

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) and its importance in perioperative care
  • Identify parameters to effectively screening patients in the perioperative setting
  • Develop procedures to improve compliance with ERAS protocols
  • Define the most effective protein supplementation for both prehabilitation and perioperative optimization
  • Analyze the variety of nutritional approaches to pain management for enhanced recovery

Moderator:  Sadeq Quraishi, MD, MHA, MMSc

Dietitian CE Credit Only: 

This program is approved for RDs, RDNs and DTRs under Activity Type 175 in accordance with CDR guidelines. RDs and RDNs may claim up to 30 CPEUs under this CPE Activity Type in a recertification cycle; DTRs may claim up to 20 CPEUS. For additional information, please click here.

The CE credit for this activity expires March 23, 2022.  All CE credit must be claimed by this date. 

Goal and Target Audience:

The ASPEN Nutrition Science & Practice Conference is designed for dietitians, nurses, physicians, pharmacists, researchers, and others who practice the sciences of clinical nutrition and metabolism. The conference provides nutrition support professionals with current and cutting-edge information in the field of nutrition support, clinical nutrition, and metabolism.

Successful Completion:

To obtain documentation of earned CE credit, listen to the recording in full and complete the evaluation. 


Non-Commercialism: ASPEN subscribes to the ACCME Standards for Commercial Support. ASPEN does not provide programs that constitute advertisement or include promotional materials. ASPEN does not endorse any products.

Computer Requirements and Technical Support:

Participants will need a computer with internet connection and it is recommended that end users' devices satisfy the following requirements:

  • OS: Windows, Mac
  • Browser: Internet Explorer 11+, Firefox 52+, Chrome 58+, Safari 10+, Microsoft Edge 14+
  • o Internet Explorer 11 still requires the most recent version of the Adobe Flash plugin

Mobile support

  • Iphone 5s+ - Safari Browser - IOS 9+
  • Ipad 2+ - Safari Browser - IOS 9+
  • Android Running 4.0+ - Chrome Browser

For technical difficulties please contact Digitell Inc. Customer Support at: 1-800-679-3646

Office hours are between 9AM to 5PM ET, Monday through Friday

Privacy and Confidentiality: ASPEN respects the privacy of its members and website visitors. Companies that receive personal information from ASPEN in order to execute the business of ASPEN may use personal information only for that purpose.

Refund Policy: Refunds are not available.

Grievances: Grievances must be submitted in writing to Director of Education and Research at ASPEN 8401 Colesville Road, Suite 510. Silver Spring, MD 20910.

Commercial Support and Sponsorship:

No commercial support or sponsorship has been received for this continuing education activity.

Commercial Relationship Disclosures and Conflicts of Interest:

Disclosures of conference faculty and planners is available in the conference disclosure supplement or

Accreditation Statement: 

custom image

ASPEN, Provider AM005, is a Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Accredited Provider with the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR). Dietitians may post comments on this program on the CDR website

Total amount of credit is specified with each individual recording. 

07:00am - 04:00pm EDT - March 23, 2019 | Room: Room 103
Track: Preconference Session
Credits Available:
8.00 Dietitian | 8.00 Nurse | 8.00 Pharmacist | 8.00 Physician | 8.00 Other

The workshop is designed to train clinicians to assess a patient requiring parenteral nutrition (PN) and subsequently initiate and manage the PN therapy for that patient. The workshop will be offered in two sessions. The first will emphasize the basic concepts of PN order writing and management and the second will allow for application of the knowledge gained through work in small groups on sample patient cases with distinguished faculty experts.

Learning Objectives:

  • Create and write a PN formula according to the patient’s nutrition assessment
  • Create a safe PN formula order per compounding and stability limits
  • Identify potential nutrient interactions in a PN solution and adjust the PN order accordingly
  • Manage PN in a patient from initiation to achieving the goal rate and beyond
  • Manage electrolytes in PN in the face of abnormal patient laboratory values and medications
  • Manage PN while accounting for differences in patient diagnoses and age

Moderator:  Karrie Derenski, PharmD, BCNSP, BCCCP. CNSC

07:30am - 04:00pm EDT - March 23, 2019 | Room: Room 104
Track: Preconference Session
Credits Available:
6.50 Dietitian | 6.50 Nurse | 6.50 Pharmacist | 6.50 Physician | 6.50 Other

In the U.S., 86% of the nation’s $2.7 trillion annual health care expenditures are for individuals with chronic and mental health conditions. A growing body of evidence indicates that a compromised intestinal epithelial barrier influences the incidence and severity of chronic diseases, such as type 1 and 2 diabetes and obesity, primary intestinal disorders such as celiac disease and inflammatory bowel disease, and neurologic disorders such as autism and Parkinson’s disease. Despite growing evidence linking diet, environment, the intestinal epithelium, and inflammatory diseases, there is a gap between the science and healthcare policy and practice. This large gap presents an enormous opportunity to develop scientifically based strategies, healthcare policies and clinical guidelines to prevent and reduce the risk of chronic inflammatory diseases with the aim of developing interventions that promote an intact and healthy intestinal epithelium. To this end, it is crucial that health care providers understand how nutrition, environment, microbiota, and intestinal epithelium interact. This workshop addresses an important and evolving field of research with potential for clinical impact that you will not want to miss.

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the properties and functions of the intestinal epithelial barrier
  • Describe how the microbiota and nutrition modulate the intestinal epithelial barrier
  • Summarize how the intestinal epithelial barrier impacts risk for various chronic inflammatory diseases
  • Evaluate the current literature on factors that influence intestinal epithelial barrier integrity
  • Explore opportunities for translational science from communication and collaboration among interdisciplinary researchers and clinicians that can bring about changes in health care practice and public policy relevant to the management and prevention of inflammatory-based chronic diseases

Moderators:  Yimin Chen, PhD, RD, CNSC; Enid Martinez, MD


Patients with intestinal failure (IF) represent a challenging group. Their nutrition support and management need to be tailored based on the bowel segment resected, the amount of resection as well as underlying disease etiology. There is also ongoing debate for intestinal lengthening procedures and their timing for maximizing nutrient absorption. Enteral or parenteral nutrition support and their respective percentages to promote parenteral nutrition autonomy as well as the optimal surgical procedures to enable enteral nutrition delivery like gastrostomy / gastro-jejonostomy or jejunostomy tube and bolus vs continuous feeds present significant challenges. Challenges also remain in treating small bowel bacterial overgrowth as well as instituting gut motility modulators in such patients. Recent data also presents new evidence of alteration in nutrient absorption and assimilation based on influences by the gut microbiota, bile acids and systemic effects modulated by downstream targets with key gut luminal receptor activation. This preconference will present current evidence supporting clinical practices and highlight potential pitfalls in the management of this patient population.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify key pathophysiological changes affecting nutrition status based on the site and amount of bowel segment resected
  • Critically examine the current indications, timing, and nutritional consequences of bowel lengthening and other surgical procedures for patients with intestinal failure
  • Discuss implications of variances in enteral feeding like continuous vs bolus feeding, type of formula, and route of nutrition delivery
  • Describe various medical therapies and the role of nutritional supplements (probiotics, pre-biotics, fiber) offered to improve enteral feeding tolerance with a goal of enteral autonomy
  • Summarize current basic and translational research alluding to the role of gut microbiota, bile acids and key gut signaling affecting nutrition outcomes in patients with intestinal failure

12:00pm - 04:00pm EDT - March 23, 2019 | Room: Room 105
Track: Preconference Session
Credits Available:
4.00 Dietitian | 4.00 Nurse | 4.00 Pharmacist | 4.00 Physician | 4.00 Other

The ASPEN Critical Care Post Graduate Course is the optimal course for physicians, dietitians, nurses, and pharmacists who work with critically ill patients. Join your colleagues for an in-depth learning experience in critical care nutrition with an emphasis on micronutrient therapies in sepsis. The course will focus on thiamin, vitamin C, vitamin D, and coenzyme Q10.

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the role of Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) in sepsis and determine when to provide to patients
  • Identify which patients with sepsis would benefit from receiving Vitamin C
  • Describe the role of Vitamin D in critically ill patients with sepsis and determine appropriate amounts to provide
  • Summarize physiological changes to Coenzyme Q10 in sepsis and identify appropriate supplementation for patients in sepsis

Moderator:  Sadeq Quraishi, MD, MHA, MMSc

04:30pm - 05:45pm EDT - March 23, 2019 | Room: Room 301A
Track: General Session
Credits Available:
1.00 Dietitian | 1.00 Nurse | 1.00 Pharmacist | 1.00 Physician | 1.00 Other

Join ASPEN’s 43rd president, Nilesh Mehta, MD as he kicks off the ASPEN 2019 Nutrition Science & Practice Conference. Dr. Mehta is currently Director, Critical Care Nutrition, Associate Medical Director, and Director of Quality and Outcomes in the Medical Surgical ICU, Department of Anesthesiology, Critical Care and Pain Medicine at Boston Children’s Hospital. He is Associate Professor in Anesthesia (Critical Care) at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Mehta’s clinical and research focus is on metabolic and nutritional management of critically ill children and its impact on recovery. He has led large international studies, and clinical and translational research in the field of Pediatric Critical Care Nutrition. Dr. Mehta has over 100 publications and is the co-editor of the only textbook in this field. In 2015, Dr. Mehta received the ASPEN Stanley J. Dudrick Research Scholar Award which honors mid-career investigators who have demonstrated exceptional research productivity and the potential to continue to contribute to the field of nutrition therapy. In his presidential address, Dr. Mehta will take us on a trip down memory lane to remind us of the beginning of ASPEN, review some of the milestones during its 40+ year history, describe the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, and provide a framework for the next 50 years.

Dietitian CE Credit Only: 

This program is approved for RDs, RDNs and DTRs under Activity Type 175 in accordance with CDR guidelines. RDs and RDNs may claim up to 30 CPEUs under this CPE Activity Type in a recertification cycle; DTRs may claim up to 20 CPEUS. For additional information, please click here.

The CE credit for this activity expires March 23, 2022.  All CE credit must be claimed by this date. 

Goal and Target Audience:

The ASPEN Nutrition Science & Practice Conference is designed for dietitians, nurses, physicians, pharmacists, researchers, and others who practice the sciences of clinical nutrition and metabolism. The conference provides nutrition support professionals with current and cutting-edge information in the field of nutrition support, clinical nutrition, and metabolism.

Successful Completion:

To obtain documentation of earned CE credit, listen to the recording in full and complete the evaluation. 


Non-Commercialism: ASPEN subscribes to the ACCME Standards for Commercial Support. ASPEN does not provide programs that constitute advertisement or include promotional materials. ASPEN does not endorse any products.

Computer Requirements and Technical Support:

Participants will need a computer with internet connection and it is recommended that end users' devices satisfy the following requirements:

  • OS: Windows, Mac
  • Browser: Internet Explorer 11+, Firefox 52+, Chrome 58+, Safari 10+, Microsoft Edge 14+
  • o Internet Explorer 11 still requires the most recent version of the Adobe Flash plugin

Mobile support

  • Iphone 5s+ - Safari Browser - IOS 9+
  • Ipad 2+ - Safari Browser - IOS 9+
  • Android Running 4.0+ - Chrome Browser

For technical difficulties please contact Digitell Inc. Customer Support at: 1-800-679-3646

Office hours are between 9AM to 5PM ET, Monday through Friday

Privacy and Confidentiality: ASPEN respects the privacy of its members and website visitors. Companies that receive personal information from ASPEN in order to execute the business of ASPEN may use personal information only for that purpose.

Refund Policy: Refunds are not available.

Grievances: Grievances must be submitted in writing to Director of Education and Research at ASPEN 8401 Colesville Road, Suite 510. Silver Spring, MD 20910.

Commercial Support and Sponsorship:

No commercial support or sponsorship has been received for this continuing education activity.

Commercial Relationship Disclosures and Conflicts of Interest:

Disclosures of conference faculty and planners is available in the conference disclosure supplement or

Accreditation Statement: 

custom image

ASPEN, Provider AM005, is a Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Accredited Provider with the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR). Dietitians may post comments on this program on the CDR website

Total amount of credit is specified with each individual recording. 

05:45pm - 07:30pm EDT - March 23, 2019 | Room: Hall 1-3
Credits Available:
1.00 Dietitian

08:00am - 09:15am EDT - March 24, 2019 | Room: Room 301A
Track: General Session
Credits Available:
1.00 Dietitian | 1.00 Nurse | 1.00 Pharmacist | 1.00 Physician | 1.00 Other

ASPEN welcomes Dr. Sanjeev Arora as the ASPEN19 keynote speaker. Sanjeev Arora, MD, MACP, FACG is the Director and Founder of Project ECHO. He is a Distinguished Professor of Medicine with tenure in the Department of Internal Medicine at University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center. Project ECHO® (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) dramatically improves both capacity and access to specialty care for rural and underserved populations by linking expert inter-disciplinary specialist teams with primary care clinicians through teleECHO™ clinics, in which the experts mentor primary care clinicians to help them manage their patient cases and share their expertise via mentoring, guidance, feedback and didactic education. This helps rural clinicians develop knowledge and self-efficacy so they can adopt research findings and deliver best practice care for complex and chronic health conditions. Project ECHO is a disruptive innovation that dramatically improves both capacity and access to specialty care for rural and urban underserved populations. This low-cost, high-impact intervention is accomplished by linking expert inter-disciplinary specialist teams with primary care clinicians through teleECHO clinics, in which the experts co-manage patient cases and share their expertise via mentoring, guidance, feedback and didactic education. This enables primary care clinicians to develop the skills and knowledge to treat patients with common, complex diseases in their own communities, which reduces travel costs, wait times, and avoidable complications.

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe a new model that enhances access to treatment for patients in rural and urban areas and management of patients' chronic and complex diseases
  • Detail the platforms by which Project ECHO clinicians gain competency and expertise in the delivery of specialized complex care to patients with chronic health conditions
  • Apply the ECHO model for improving chronic disease care in underserved areas

09:15am - 02:00pm EDT - March 24, 2019 | Room: Hall 1-3
Track: Exhibits
Credits Available:
1.00 Dietitian