Frequently Asked Questions for ASPEN21

Below are some frequently asked questions and answers about the conference. If you have additional questions, please contact us at or (301) 587-6315 during our conference hours.

International Certificate of Attendance

  • If you are an international attendee and would like a Certificate of Attendance, click here.

Abstract Presentations

Where do I find posters?

  • Navigate to Research Posters to be taken to an external platform for research posters.
  • Click “Create Account” on the bottom of the login page to get your access key to view posters, listen to poster presentation recordings, submit questions to the authors, etc.
  • You will have access to the poster site until November 30, 2021.

Where do I find oral paper sessions?


Where do I find ASPEN and other nutrition-related books?

  • Navigate to ASPEN Books to see books available in the ASPEN Store.
  • Visit to make your purchase; enter the discount code Book-ASPEN21 to save 10%.
  • The discount code is valid March 19-March 29, 2021.

ASPEN Rhoads Research Foundation—Donate and Win!

  • Navigate to Rhoads Research Foundation to learn about the Foundation, the impact of your donations, and to meet the 2021 award and grant winners.
  • Donations to the Foundation are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of law.

Claiming CE Credit

  • Navigate to Evaluations and Claim CE Credit. Locate the sessions you participated in to complete the evaluation and claim credit. You must also complete the overall conference evaluation.
  • The deadline to claim CE credits for the conference is April 19, 2021.

Gameboard Challenge—Earn Badges and Win!

  • Navigate to Attendee Gameboard Challenge to learn about the game rules, points for visiting different parts of the conference site, and begin participating and earning badges.


Who are the exhibitors and how to I contact them?

  • Navigate to Exhibit Hall to explore the booths of the exhibitors.
  • Contact information can be found on the individual exhibitor pages. Many exhibitors also have live chat capability

Membership Information

  • Navigate to Member Services to learn more about ASPEN membership, member benefits, award winners and more.


How can I network with conference attendees and faculty?

Update your profile so attendees can get to know you. Once you are logged into a session, click on “Profile” at the bottom of the screen and edit your profile and add a picture!

Chat with colleagues while in a session. Once you are logged into a session, the chat window will be on the left side of the screen. You can chat with all conference participants or have a private chat with a participant by right-clicking on the participant’s name.

Ask faculty questions when in a session. You can submit a question to the faculty during the session. Faculty will answer questions at the end of the sessions.

Opt in to the Connect: Attendees directory. Navigate to “Connect: Attendees” on the left-hand menu to opt in and and connect with others who have also opted in. 

Share conference photos and experience on Connect: Social Wall.

Share your conference experience on Twitter using #ASPEN21. If you are posting to social media, please respect the faculty and their original work by not sharing images or recordings of the session content. Instead share information about what you are learning in your own words.

Post questions on Connect: Discussion Board. Keep a conversation going from a session or start a new discussion by visiting Connect: Discussion Board!

Sessions and Handouts

Where can I see and access all my sessions?

Can I access content after the conference?

  • Recordings of most conference sessions will be available within a few weeks of the conference in the ASPEN eLearning center.

Are there handouts for the sessions?

  • If there are handouts for a session, you will find them at Handouts.

What time zone for the conference?

  • All sessions and events are presented in United States Eastern Time.
  • Navigate to Sessions and Schedule to change the time zone to your location.

Can I create my own schedule for the conference?

  • Yes! Navigate to My Itinerary to see all the sessions. If you would like to add a session to your itinerary, click the “Add to Itinerary” button.

Are there special events I should be aware of during ASPEN21?

Yes! Navigate to Sessions and Schedule to learn more about these special events and participate. Use the search function to bring them up quickly.

  • Yoga
  • Felix and Fingers Dueling Piano Show
  • Section Forums
  • In the Patient’s Voice Sessions